[updated] Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition Rom Download

MoviesHippo Admin
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Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition Rom : pokemon community has updated new version of Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition Rom with lots of fun and improvement based on playsers experience. If you are fan of pokemon roms and games like me then you will enjoyed this rom because I do a lot. In Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition Rom new version developer add some new character with some adventure stories. For more details read out below roms description.

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Download Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition Rom – RomsHippo.com

Roms Information

  • Full Name : Patched Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition Rom
  • Version : FINAL
  • File Size : 600KB
  • Console : GBA
  • Genre : Role-Playing
  • Region : WW
  • Released : here
  • Language : English

Description of Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition Rom

The setting is Aizen region! A new Pokemon League World Tournament is being held in the Aizome area. However, the Aizome area is not your friendly Pokemon area, as almost all trainers will become famous as Pokemon League World Tournament Champions and do anything to become the next champion.

Your rivals will inherit a very powerful and very rare Pokemon from Professor Oak and will be a formidable opponent as they strive to become the Pokemon League World Tournament Champion. You need to defeat 8 gyms to meet the requirements to participate in the Pokemon League World Tournament. All of these are very difficult.

To make matters worse, the Ominous Team Rocket is back, poses a greater threat to the world than ever before, and is firmly in control of the Izome nation, which exploits the existence of world tournaments to exploit challengers. It then merges with a very powerful and corrupt Pokemon company called trade to drive their evil goal of conquering the world. And they can’t be stopped easily. Is there anything you need to be the best?

Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition is a hack of Pokemon Blue, with a new storyline, dialogue, region, improved front sprites, a nice item selection and access to huge amounts of money, as well all 151 pokemon available for capture throughout the whole game, with several pokemon available extremely early, and many pokemon will learn the best moves extremely early, and many pokemon evolve very early as well, with stones available inside the first cave.

Leveling up by yourself is a minimal effort, as the enemies yield high exp, and eventually, you’ll get a near unlimited amount of rare candies. The game has ascending difficulty as opposed to regressing difficulty, as the enemies have better rosters and better movepools, with some changes to the sub AIs.
Of course, if the Intense Indigo Edition is too hard, the Indigo Lite Edition is an easier option, though it is still more difficult than the original Pokemon Blue.

If you are familiar with the Pokemon Stadium series, then you’ll know that these series were the true inspiration for the gameplay of these 2 hacks.
Anyhow, here is the result of my ambitious hobby.

You start off normally, so that you can catch several pokemon early on, and the levels are normal. You’ll be able to get nuggets that will sell for tons of money, which will net you large quantities of very useful items. As you get to a certain point, you will have to buy exceptionally cheap rare candies to level up to match the highest level. So you don’t have to spend an eternity level grinding,

which is a common problem about pokemon games, and the enemies are simple enough to handle at the earlier stage. You’ll also be able to purchase revives earlier than expected, as well as a high amount of repels. Later, you’ll be able to purchase equally super cheap vitamins such as calciums and carbos, to be able to match the more powerful bosses and enemies. All of this is to ensure a fun yet challenging experience.

At the end of the game, the endgame boss’s maximum level is 127, which is manageable by the time you get seven badges and used vitamins. Pokemon Indigo Lite is significantly easier; the enemies don’t surpass level 100 until the fourth gym, and the maximum level is 115. Also, most gamebreaking pokemon are found either endgame or postgame, so there is some player balance.

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Source : PokeCommunity Pokemon Intense Indigo Edition Rom

Credits : SinisterHoodedFigure, Miksy91, IIMarkus, Danny-E 33, Stag019
(rh 24382) I would like to give thanks to pokecommunity for this roms and developer who create game to make this suberb ROM.

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