[updated] Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom Download

MoviesHippo Admin
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Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom : pokemon community has updated new version of Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom with lots of fun and improvement based on playsers experience. If you are fan of pokemon roms and games like me then you will enjoyed this rom because I do a lot. In Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom new version developer add some new character with some adventure stories. For more details read out below roms description.

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Download Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom – RomsHippo.com

Roms Information

  • Full Name : Patched Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom
  • Version : Beta 1
  • File Size : 8.4MB
  • Console : GBA
  • Genre : Role-Playing
  • Region : WW
  • Released : February 19 2016
  • Language : English

Description of Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom

The story of Fluorite Pokemon takes place about four years after the Pokemon Emerald. Team Aqua and Team Magma are no longer … in Hoenn.
Rumors about Team Aqua and Magma spread throughout the Hoenn region. But no one believes them because they are just rumors.

The story begins with Team Aqua announcing plans for an area in the midst of a thunderstorm. Shortly afterwards, a very similar scene occurred in another town, showing a team magma with similar intent, but actually using Groudon.

Two years ago, a scene is shown in which a player, then 13 years old, receives the first Pokemon, the abandoned aipom, from day care. A year later, the player now lives peacefully in his hometown of Tentremtown.

His / her mother asks him / her to buy some groceries at Angel City’s Pokemart. Two routes, one town and one forest are separated. With Aipom, this task will be much easier. But along the way, players not only stop the robbery, but also encounter a strange man who gives him a Pokédex, and a strange organization that calls themselves “Team Magma”.

When the player returns home and gives groceries to his mother, whether a group of teens will enter the house and join an organization called the “Legmar Rangers” whose goal is to stop Team Aqua and Team Magma. Ask. They pose a threat to the area. After being persuasive, the player accepts. Through the player’s quest to become a
Pokemon Master and defeat all gyms in diverse Regma regions, he / she completes missions against Team Aqua and Team Magma, eventually teleporting, being arrested, and yet another. Must be sent to the area.

These events take place all year round before the Team Aqua and Team Magma scenes that start the game, so how do you finally reach this point? How does Team Magma get Groudon, Team Aqua gets Kyogre, then what happens and how do players prevent this from happening?

Features of Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom

A whole new story
Selected Pokemon from Gen 1-6
New region, Regma, with over 16 towns
New sprites (soon)
Physical/Special split
Controllable boats
Reusable TMs


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Source : PokeCommunity Pokemon Fluorite Version Rom

Credits : Danny0317, Le Pug, GoGoJJTech, Chaos Rush, MrDollSteak, Bela, daniilS, Erma96, Tcoppy, _Nex_, Tlachtli, Deokishisu, The Gamecube Collecter, Capitalist Ness, Tyranitar50, DarkBlazingGroudon, The GameCube Collector, Redriders180, Alistair, War8, Zein, Wesley FG, Trevor, Slim Shady
(rh 23107) I would like to give thanks to pokecommunity for this roms and developer who create game to make this suberb ROM.

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Note : Everything is taken from PokeCommunity and The Internet. No files are hosted on our server. RomsHippo.com does not accept responsibility for content hosted on third party websites and does not have any involvement in the downloading/uploading of roms and games. we just post links available in internet.