How To Catch Paldean Wooper In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet : In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you can locate a Paldean Wooper here!
A fresh regional variation of the beloved original Wooper is called Paldean Wooper. The newest Pokemon games, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, included its introduction. And it develops into Clodsire, a brand-new Pokemon. Therefore, we’ll tell you where to look for a cute little Paldean Wooper in this post.
Check out where to locate Fidough and Pawmi as well.
How To Catch Paldean Wooper In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Early in the game, you can locate Paldean Wooper just west of South Province (Area One), east of Los Platos, close to a tiny lake. When you get to Los Platos, you can also just keep checking your map because you might find one while exploring.
Scarlet and Violet Pokemon Paldean Wooper

You’ll need to take a close look because it’s so little and mud-colored. Although it’s quite likely to be in or close to a lake.
How To Catch Paldean Wooper In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet And never forget that you may use the aerial view to search for Pokemon nearby.
At level 20, the paldean Wooper evolves in Clodsire.
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